Development of Coordination Mechanisms During Different Kinds of Emergencies (COncORDE)
As part of the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Crisislab participated in the 3 year research, technological development and demonstration project COncORDE (May 2014 – the end of 2017).
COncORDE stands for ‘Development of Coordination Mechanisms During Different Kinds of Emergencies’ and aimed to develop a web-based (real-time) application that will facilitate (medical) emergency responders as well as a resilient community during medical emergencies. COncORDE provides a test tool that can be used in all member states, irrespective of their local differences, to improve coordination of emergency medical response. The web-based platform is developed to support and enhance the existing decision processes during medical emergencies at local, regional and cross-border level, from small incidents to large scale emergency situations. The platform improves the operational information flow within the emergency medical services, as well as the communication and coordination between people requiring emergency medical help, the responders and a resilient community.
The COncORDE consortium was an international consortium which consists of 14 research and/or technology development as well as emergency response partners. Led by Cambridge University Hospital (United Kingdom) the consortium furthermore consists, besides Crisislab, of partners from:
- Greece (Hellenic Rescue Team, European Dynamics, and National Center for Scientific Research),
- Finland (Technical Research Centre of Finland),
- Cyprus (University of Cyprus),
- Turkey (Koc University),
- Belgium (Public Safety Communication Europe),
- Ireland (Konnekt- Able Technologies)
- Portugal (Environmental Systems Research Institute en INOVA+),
- Romania (SIVECO) and
- Norway (Crisis Training AS).
For more information about the COncORDE project, can be found in the brochure or can be found here.
November 2015: COncORDE’s first newsletter can be found here.
June 2016: COncORDE’s second newsletter can be found here.
September 2016: Crisislab together with the University of Cyprus and Cambridge University Hospital has published the article ‘Integrated modelling of medical emergency response process for improved coordination and decision support’ in Healthcare Technology Letters. The article is based upon the results of Task 2.3: “COncORDE conceptual framework modelling” and models both the COncORDE conceptual framework as well as the medical response process. The article can be found here.
February 2017: COncORDE’s third newsletter can be found here.
August 2017: A short evaluation of the second pilot in Thessaloniki by Crisislab can be found here.
In opdracht van de Europese Commissie participeerde Crisislab samen met partners uit verschillende Europese landen in een driejarige Europese FP7-onderzoeksproject COncORDE van mei 2014 tot eind 2017.
In Concorde dat staat voor ‘Development of Coordination Mechanisms During Different Kinds of Emergencies’ werd onderzoek gedaan naar de toepassing van een (real-time) applicatie ter ondersteuning en training van (medische) hulpverleners bij de triage van slachtoffers tijdens crisissituaties. Concorde heeft uiteindelijk een werkend test platform opgeleverd voor de coördinatie van medische hulpverlening via de principes van Distributed Decision Making. Het platform staat ook toe dat burgers informatie over de locatie en aard van de verwondingen delen met de medische hulpverleners.
Crisislab werkte binnen dit project samen met onderzoekers en hulpverleners uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk (Cambridge University Hospital), Griekenland (Hellenic Rescue Team, European Dynamics en National Center for Scientific Research), Finland (Technical Research Centre of Finland), Cyprus (University of Cyprus), Turkije (Koc University), België (Public Safety Communication Europe), Ierland (Konnekt- Able Technologies) Portugal (Environmental Systems Research Institute en INOVA+), Roemenië (SIVECO) en Noorwegen (Crisis Training AS).
Meer informatie over het project kunt u lezen in de brochure of kan hier gevonden worden.
Crisislab, the University of Cyprus en Cambridge University Hospital publiceerden in september 2016 een eerste artikel in Healthcare technology Letters: ‘Integrated modelling of medical emergency response process for improved coordination and decision support’. Het artikel treft u hier.
De eerste nieuwsbrief van het project (november 2015) kunt u hier vinden.
De tweede nieuwsbrief (juni 2016) kunt u hier vinden.
De derde nieuwsbrief (februari 2017) kunt u hier vinden.
Een korte evaluatie door Crisislab van de tweede pilot in Thessaloniki kunt u hier vinden.